

外務省のHPの「資料コーナー」の「尖閣諸島に関する資料」の中の「尖閣諸島について 平成27年3月16日更新」PDFの21ページに載せていますが、探すのが大変。これでは日本人でも見つけるのが難しいでしょう。腰が引けている感じです。これではまともな交渉は出来ません。トピックスとしてトップページに載せるくらいしないと。











 When talks were held between Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) Foreign Minister O Ki, Foreign Minister O as usual brought up the issue of “understanding of history.” I myself have some issues with the Japanese perception of their own history as I wrote in the second article in my series “Common Knowledge Revisited” presently running in the Fuji Evening News.



 I think that Japan should clearly state to the world its understanding, based on historical facts, of the relationship it had with continental China and the Korean Peninsula since the Sino-Japanese War. At the same time, I think they should also tell the world as well as PRC and Korea the domestic history of these two countries. The reason is because both PRC and Korea have serious flaws in their understanding of history.









 After the establishment of the PRC in the 1950s, the characters used to write its mother tongue were changed to simplified Chinese characters. Likewise, after its establishment, Korea discarded the method of writing which mixed Chinese characters with Hangul, and except for proper nouns, adopted the Hangul phonetic system exclusively.




 As a result, a large portion of the population educated after the war are unable to read their mother tongue further back than 70 years ago. In addition, the leaders of both countries, as can be seen by the fact that they coolly lie about their history to their own people, have no compunction whatsoever about teaching lies about their own history. Thus, unless the people of PRC or Korea learn a foreign language, they cannot hear the truth.


 This is one form of a policy to keep the masses uninformed, and both countries have been very successful at it. The fact that Foreign Minister O Ki and President Park Geun-hye incessantly harp about the “understanding of history” can be interpreted as an SOS signal directed to the Japanese, who are able to verify facts by reading books and newspapers, asking them to “teach the historical truth.” But of course I am saying this sarcastically.


 The extreme anti-Japanese stance taken by Foreign Minister O and President Park may be a backhanded way of saying to Chinese President Xi Jinping what they cannot express straightforwardly, namely “The Emperor is naked.” I am at least half serious on this point.


 There are some obsequious politicians and diplomats in Japan who cannot advocate historical facts to the PRC or Korea, but I look at these people as puppets manipulated by money or a honey trap. If that is not the case, then we are left to believe that either they are not sufficiently reading materials on contemporary history, or else they are fools who cannot understand the meaning of what they are reading.


 Just the other day the Foreign Ministry took the welcome step of publishing on its home page a map concerning the Senkaku Islands prepared by the PRC in 1969. I suggest that they also translate the following materials to Chinese, Korea, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese and post them on the Foreign Ministry’s home page.


  1. The fact that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was established in October 1949, four years after the war ended in 1945.


  1. The fact that it is impossible for a country called the PRC which did not exist at the end of the war to have participated in the Second World War, and therefore for the PRC to be considered one of the victorious states.

3、中国大陸で日本軍が「戦争」をしていたのは、蒋介石率いる中華民国(Republic Of China)の正規軍である国民党軍であること。

  1. The army fighting the Japanese on the Chinese continent was the Kuomintang military, the official forces of the Republic of China, led by Chiang Kai-shek.


  1. During the war, what is now the Chinese Communist Party then led by Mao Tse-tung basically fought against the Kuomintang in what was nothing more than a civil war.


  1. The fact that even if when the Communist Party army engaged the Japanese army during the World War, since it was not the official army of the country, according to international law this was not a “war” but an act of terrorism against the Japanese army.


  1. The fact that to this day in the U.N. Charter the victorious country clearly listed as holding an official permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council is the Republic of China (ROC), and the fact that the PRC, which joined the U.N. in 1971, is treated as a permanent member of the Security Council is a result of the compromise and concessions of other members of the United Nations.


  1. The fact that Japan is aware of the fact that tens of millions of Chinese and PRC citizens starved or were massacred as part of Mao Tse-tung’s failed policies of “The Great Leap Forward” and “”The Cultural Revolution,” and that as a concession Japan has not brought these issues up in the past.


  1. The fact that the whole world knows that the PRC forcefully invaded East Turkistan (Uighur) and Tibet and massacred millions of people and that this continues, and that to prevent a collapse of the PRC, they have engaged only in muted criticism.


  1. The fact that Japan knows that the worst fascism in the world is practiced by the PRC.


 If I were to write out all the history which the PRC and Korea need to recognize, there would be no end to it, so I will stop here for today.


 If you have any other things which you think should be listed on the Foreign Ministry’s home page as items of “historical understanding,” please feel free to write them in your comments below.






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