
「攘夷」というか悪にまみれた世界から隔絶した社会の中で暮らせたらという思いはあります。幕末から明治に生きた人はそう思っていたのでは。鎖国は北朝鮮やキューバのように経済的困窮を齎しますが魅力はあります。現実的には無理ですが。ペリー来航以来の百年を米国との「百年戦争」と林房雄は捉え『大東亜戦争肯定論』に書いております。外国人が入ってくるのを嫌うわけでなく、彼らの価値観をゴリ押しされるのが堪らないためです。Cultural imperialism です。「入郷随俗」できなければ来てもらう必要はありません。


http://www.geocities.jp/taizoota/Essay/gyokuon/kaisenn.htm を主要な外国語に翻訳して世界に流していれば、戦後アメリカ、GHQの検閲での日本国民への洗脳工作や侵略戦争の汚名をきせられることもなかったのではと思います。


To Japan the armed embassy of the United States of America in 1853 seemed a dread image of that White Disaster whose advent had proved so fatal to other Eastern countries. Eleven years before that event the Opium War in China had exposed the unscrupulous nature of Western aggression. The Dutch, who kept us informed of the European encroachment on Asia, did not hesitate to enhance the value of their friendship by painting the deeds of other Western nations in the darkest colors. In fact, unfortunately, we had already had some experience of foreign rapacity in the Russian advance from the north.

It is a curious coincidence that the first European nation—and let us hope it may be the last—whom we have met in battle array is the power whose acts first warned us of the possibility of foreign complications. Russia, sweeping down from Siberia and Kamchatka, long ago laid her hands upon our territory of Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands. In the end of the eighteenth century the Russians committed ravages in Yezo itself, and in 1806 the Tokugawas had to place a military governor in Hakodate to guard against their further depredations. Alarming stories of Northern encroachments were poured into our excited ears, and many daimios offered by themselves to chase back the intruders. In 1830 Nariaki of Mito, a powerful prince of the Tokugawa family, proposed to settle in Yezo with all his retainers and the entire population of his daimiate. He melted all the bronze bells of the temples in his territory, casting a number of immense cannon, and drilled his samurai in preparation for an emergency. His zeal was, however, misconstrued by the Tokugawa government and he was obliged to abdicate in favor of his son and remain in retirement. Russophobes were imprisoned for spreading false alarms, and many died in confinement. It is interesting to find among some of their memoirs prophecies of Russian aggrandizement in Asia which have been but too truly fulfilled.

The appearance of American warships in the bay of Yedo was a mighty shock. Hitherto the alarms of foreign attack had meant but little to the country at large, for it was a long cry to Hakodate or Nagasaki; but now within a day’s march of the city of Yedo lay the black hulks of a formidable fleet whose admiral refused to retire until a treaty was signed. Recollection of the Tartar armada flashed through the minds of our grandfathers. Was the samurai to be intimidated in his own waters? Was not the divine land always prepared to repel an invasion? What right had a foreign nation to impose a commerce which we did not want, a friendship which we did not ask? To arms! Jhoi! Jhoi! Away with the barbarians! The alarm-bells clanged throughout the country. Foam-covered riders rushed through every castle gate, spreading the momentous news. Spears were torn from their racks and ancient armor was eagerly dragged from dust- covered caskets. Night and day could be heard the clanging of steel on anvils forging the accoutrements of war. The old prince of Mito was summoned from his hermitage to take command, and his cannon lined the principal points of defence. Buddhists wore away their rosaries invoking Kartikiya, the war-god, and Shinto priests fasted while they called on the sea and the tempest to destroy the invader.

The historic spirit that had been smoldering in our national consciousness only waited for this moment to burst forth in a fiery expression of unity. Custom and formalism were alike forgotten in this hour of common danger, and for the first time in two hundred years the daimios were asked by the Tokugawa government to deliberate over a matter of state. For the first time in seven centuries the Shogun sent a special envoy to the Mikado to consult about the policy of the empire, and for the first time in the history of our nation, the high and the low alike were invited to offer suggestions as to what steps should be taken for the protection of the ancestral land. We became one, and the Night of Asia fled forever before the rays of the Rising Sun.





警鐘が、国中に鳴りひびいた。汗にまみれた騎馬のサムライが、城門という城門から駆け出してきて、一大事をつたえた。槍は槍かけから引きおろされ、先祖伝来の鎧が鎧櫃からとり出された。昼夜を分かたず、鉄敷の上で武具をきたえる音が聞こえた。水戸の老侯が隠居の身から呼びもどされて、指揮をとり、彼のつくらせた大砲が国防の要所にならべられ た。僧侶は、軍神カーテイキヤ〔インドの戦いの神。仏教では大元帥〕の加護を祈って数珠をすりへらし、神官は、海と暴風が侵略者を滅ぼすことを祈って断食した。




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